Theoretical Chemistry Conference HITS 90, Warsaw 1990, Poland
Annual Meeting of Polish Chemical Society (PTChem), Cracow 1991, Poland
Workshop on Coupled Clusters in the Theory of Atoms and Molecules, Warsaw
1992, Poland
Theoretical Chemistry Conference HITS 93, Warsaw 1993, Poland
Annual Meeting of Polish Chemical Society (PTChem), Warsaw 1994, Poland
Annual Meeting of Polish Chemical Society (PTChem), Lublin 1995, Poland
Theoretical Chemistry Conference HITS 96, Warsaw 1996, Poland
11th European Seminar on Computational Methods in Quantum Chemistry, 23-25.09.1999,
Zakopane, Poland,
see my poster
Conference: "Progress in Computing of Physicochemical Properties", 18-20.11.1999,
Warsaw, Poland
Faraday Discussions 118, 17-20.04.2000, Durham, U.K.,
abstract of poster) P1
37th Symposium for Theoretical Chemistry, 23-27.09.2001, Bad Herrenalb,
Germany (poster)
Austrian-Czech-Polish-Slovak Symposium on Quantum Chemistry, 27-30.09.2001,
Jaszowiec, Poland (talk)
Sympozjum: od naiwnosci do granic poznania, relatywistyczna mechanika kwantowa
w chemii i fizyce, 16-17.03.2002, Warsaw, Poland
WATOC'02 (World Association of Theoretically Oriented Chemists) World Congress, 4-9.08.2002, Lugano, Switzerland,
abstracts of posters: P1 , P2
Satellite Symposium Electron Correlation, 16-19.07.2003, Bad Herrenalb,
Germany (invited talk)
40th Symposium for Theoretical Chemistry, 19-23.09.2004, Suhl,
Germany, see my poster
Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, 30.09-3.10.2004, Tihany,
Hungary (talk)
Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, 25-28.09.2005,
Sachticky/Banska Bystrica,
Slovakia (talk)
Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry, 14-17.02.2006,
Mariapfarr/Salzburg, Austria (short talk)
42nd Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, 03-07.09.2006, Erkner near Berlin, Germany
(poster), see my poster
Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, 24-27.09.2006,
Zakopane, Poland, (poster, organization committee), see my poster
SPP 1145 Workshop "Highly Accurate Calculations of Molecular Electronic Structure", 22-24.03.2007
Bad Herrenalb, Germany (poster)
Symposium on Advanced Methods of Quantum Chemistry and Physics SAMQCP 2007, 02-06.09.2007, Torun, Poland,
Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, 23-26.09.2007, Litschau, Austria (poster)
44th Symposium for Theoretical Chemistry, 23-27.09.2008, Ramsau am Dachstein, Austria (talk)
Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, 28.09-1.10.2008, Hejnice, Czech Republic (talk)
XIV European Seminar on Computational Methods in Quantum Chemistry, 2-6.10.2008, Elba, Italy (poster)
Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry, 17-20.02.2009,
Mariapfarr/Salzburg, Austria (short talk)
Molecular Properties'09 - An ICQC 2009 satellite symposium, 18-21.06.2009, Asker, Norway (invited talk)
45th Symposium for Theoretical Chemistry, 08-12.09.2009, Neuss am Rhein, Germany (poster)
Annual Meeting of Polish Chemical Society (PTChem), 12-16.09.2009, Lodz, Poland (invited talk)
Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry, 16-19.02.2010,
Mariapfarr/Salzburg, Austria
First Principles Quantum Chemistry: from Elementary Reactions to Enzymes -
An international conference in honour of Hans-Joachim Werner's 60th birthday, 14-17.04.2010,
Bad Herrenalb, Germany (invited talk, poster)
Quantum Chemistry beyond the Arctic Circle - Promoting female excellence in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry -
23-26.06.2010, Sommaroy-Tromso, Norway (talk)
Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, 12-15.09.2010,
Novy Smokovec,
Slovakia (talk)
Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry, 15-18.02.2011, Mariapfarr/Salzburg, Austria
15th European Seminar on Computational Methods in Quantum Chemistry, 16-19.06.2011, Oscarsborg-Drobak near Oslo, Norway
World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists (WATOC-2011), 17-22.07.2011,
Santiago de Compostela, Spain (invited talk)
Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, 25.09-28.09.2011, Torun,
Poland (poster)
Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry, 13-17.02.2012, Mariapfarr/Salzburg, Austria
An International SimTech-CECAM Workshop,
Advanced Methods and Applications in Quantum Chemistry
Stuttgart, Germany, 26.03-30.03.2012 (invited talk)
Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, 02.09-05.09.2012, Mariapfarr/Salzburg,
Austria (talk)
Annual Meeting of Polish Chemical Society (PTChem), 17-20.09.2012, Bialystok, Poland (invited talk)
Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry, 18-21.02.2013, Mariapfarr/Salzburg, Austria
7th Molecular Quantum Mechanics Congress, 02-07.06.2013, Lugano, Switzerland (poster)
Femex - Promoting female excellence in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry II -
13-16.06.2014, Oslo, Norway (poster)
Modeling & Design of Molecular Materials (MDMM) - 29.06-03.07.2014, Kudowa-Zdrój
Poland (poster)
Polish-Taiwanese Conference:
From Molecular Modeling to Nano- and Biotechnology (MMNB 2014) -- 04-06.09.2014, Opole, Poland (invited talk)
Annual Meeting of Polish Chemical Society (PTChem), 14.09.2014, Czestochowa, Poland (invited talk at Coupled Cluster Workshop)
50th Symposium for Theoretical Chemistry, 14-18.09.2014, Wien, Austria (poster)
Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry, 24-27.02.2015, Mariapfarr/Salzburg, Austria (short talk)
Polish-Taiwanese Conference:
From Molecular Modeling to Nano- and Biotechnology (MMNB 2015) -- 26-28.08.2015, Opole, Poland (invited talk)
Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, 06-09.09.2015,
Banska Bystrica,
Slovakia (talk)
CECAM Workshop, 20-23.06.2016, Nancy, France (invited talk)
8th Molecular Quantum Mechanics conference - MQM 2016, 26.06-01.07.2016, Uppsala, Sweden (invited short talk)
Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry, 14-17.02.2017, Mariapfarr/Salzburg, Austria
3rd Symposium on Weak Intermolecular Interactions,
27-29.03.2017, Opole-Groszowice, Poland (invited talk, organizing committee)
International Meeting on Molecular Physics and Chemistry, 19-22.06.2017, Toruń, Poland (organizing committee, poster)
Workshop on "Intermolecular Interactions: New Challenges for ab initio Theory", 07-14.07.2017, Arenas de Cabrales (Picos de Europa), Spain (invited talk)
15th Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry , 03-06.0.2017, Wisła, Poland (poster)
Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry, 20-23.02.2018, Mariapfarr/Salzburg, Austria
16th International Congress of Quantum Chemistry, 18-23.07.2018, Menton, France (2 posters)
4th Polish-Taiwanese Conference: "From Molecular Modeling to Nano-and Biotechnology" - 30-31.08.2018, Opole, Poland (invited talk)
16th Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, 09-12.09.2018, Srni, Czech Republic (talk)
Workshop "Intermolecular Interactions: New Challenges for ab initio Theory", 18-23.03.2019, Telluride (Colorado), U.S.A. (invited talk)
Workshop "Local correlation methods for molecules and solids" (in memory of Martin Schuetz), 28-29.06.2019, Regensburg, Germany (invited talk)
10th Triennial Congress of the International Society for Theoretical Chemical Physics, 11-17.07.2019, Tromso, Norway (invited talk)
Annual Meeting of Polish Chemical Society (PTChem), 2-6.09.2019, Warsaw, Poland (invited talk, poster)
Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry, 02-06.03.2020, St. Michael/Salzburg, Austria (former Mariapfarr workshop) (poster - with Emran Masoumifeshani)
Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry, 02.2021 "Mariapfarr" - virtual event.
2021 International Symposium on Correlated Electrons (virtual event), 05-07.10.2021, organized by Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology, Germany (contributed live talk)
QSCP 2022 - 25th International Workshop on Quantum Systems in Chemistry, Physics and Biology, 19-23.06.2022, Toruń, Poland (invited talk)
(originally scheduled to 2021, postponed due to COVID-19)
WATOC2020, 03-08.07.2022, Vancouver, Canada (invited talk)
(originally scheduled to 2020, postponed due to COVID-19)
108th Indian Science Congress, 03.01-07.01.2023, Nagpur (India) (online participation, invited talk)
62nd Sanibel Symposium, 12.02-17.02.2023, St. Augustine (Florida), U.S.A. (oral hot topic)
Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry, 28.02-03.03.2023, St. Michael/Salzburg, Austria (former Mariapfarr workshop) (poster)
Workshop "Intermolecular Interactions", 20-24.03.2023, Telluride (Colorado), U.S.A. (invited talk)
65th Annual Meeting of Polish Chemical Society (PTChem), 18-22.09.2023, Toruń, Poland (invited talk)
Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry, 26.02-01.03.2024, Bad Hofgastein, Austria (former Mariapfarr workshop) (poster)
Future conferences:
EMRS, Warsaw, Poland (invited talk), September 2024
"Meeting on Electron Correlation and Molecular Properties" in honor of 60th birthday of Prof. Peter Knowles, 04-07.04.2020, Cardiff, U.K. (invited talk)
-- postponed due to COVID-19 (indefinitely?)