***, memory,10,m geometry={f;h,f,1.7} basis=avdz !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Examples for saving correlated densities. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! In all cases, in order to be on the safe side, one should give ! a record different from the record where SCF orbitals are stored (usually it is 2100.2). ! If several densities are saved in the same record, ! we should tell molpro which one should be taken (by "set=y"). ! The correct number can be found by inspecting the output, looking for lines like: ! Density matrix saved on record xxxx.x (density set y) REKORD=5000.2 ! Save MP2 natural orbitals to molden. rhf {mp2;natorb,REKORD} {put,molden,mp2den.molden;orbital,REKORD} REKORD=REKORD+1 ! Save MP2 and MP3 natural orbitals to molden. rhf {mp3;expec;core,0;natorb,REKORD} {put,molden,mp2den_ae.molden;orbital,REKORD,set=1} {put,molden,mp3den_ae.molden;orbital,REKORD,set=2} REKORD=REKORD+1 ! Save CCSD natural orbitals to molden. Note that a place where to save density ("dm,record" ! or "natorb,record") should be specified. Otherwise density is not saved. rhf {ccsd; core,0 expec,relax dm,REKORD ! or natorb,REKORD } {put,molden,ccsdden_ae.molden;orbital,REKORD} REKORD=REKORD+1 ! Save XCCSD natural orbitals to molden. Note that in this case ! "natorb,record" should be specified ("dm,record" is not enough). rhf {ccsd; cprop,prop_order=-4,xden=1 natorb,REKORD } {put,molden,xccsdden.molden;orbital,REKORD} REKORD=REKORD+1 ! Save QCISD natural orbitals to molden. Note that cphf,2 is necessary to save QCISD density ! and that "natorb,record" ("dm,record" is not enough) should be given, so that the natural ! orbitals cab be calculated rhf {qcisd cphf,2 natorb,REKORD } {put,molden,qciden.molden;orbital,REKORD} REKORD=REKORD+1 ! Save QCISD(T) natural orbitals to molden. rhf {qcisd(t) cphf,2 natorb,REKORD } {put,molden,qcitden.molden;orbital,REKORD}